
Is it normal to have lower back pain in the early stages of pregnancy?

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Is Lower Back Pain Normal in the Early Stages of Pregnancy?

While it can be different for everyone, pregnancy can impact nearly every part of a woman’s body. Common symptoms include fatigue, nausea and cramping. But is lower back pain normal, especially during early pregnancy? The answer is yes.

Pain in your lower back is a common early symptom of pregnancy. Up to 80% of women experience back pain at some point during their pregnancy, and it can start as early as eight weeks. We’ll talk about why you may feel lower back pain during the early stages of pregnancy as well as treatment options that can help.

Why you may have lower back pain during early pregnancy

There are a variety of reasons why pregnant women experience lower back pain. While some causes are due to their bodily changes, other causes are from external factors that may be adjusted for decreased pain.

  • Hormones — During pregnancy, your body will experience an increase in hormones to help it prepare for the birthing process. Relaxin is a hormone that softens the muscles, ligaments and joints so that they can stretch during delivery. It can affect the support in your lower back, leading to pain.

  • Weight gain — You can start to gain weight quite early in your pregnancy, and your lower back muscles help to support your weight as you stand and walk. When you put additional weight onto them, the strain can lead to back pain.

  • Posture — Your center of gravity changes as both your uterus and baby grow. It will shift forward, often resulting in a change of posture as you stand and walk in order to compensate. This can lead to lower back pain, especially if you’re standing or walking for an extended period of time.

How to alleviate lower back pain during early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a nine-month journey with physical symptoms, such as lower back pain, that can impact your ability to carry out your everyday routines. Here are some safe and effective ways to alleviate your lower back pain during any point in your pregnancy:

  • Use supportive products — It’s important that your lower back is supported whenever possible, especially while sitting or lying down. Use a cushion for your back, such as a lumbar pillow, that adjusts your posture for proper alignment while reducing stress on the lower back muscles. You can also use footrests while sitting to reduce pressure on your back.

  • Don’t sit for too long — When you’re sitting for an extended period of time, such as at your work desk, take breaks to stand and walk around. If you sit for too long, the excessive pressure on your lower back can lead to pain.

  • Perform regular exercises — There are many mild to moderate exercises that are safe for pregnant women as a way to help lower back pain. A physical therapist can show you exercises that can strengthen the affected muscles for increased support. They’ll also show you stretches to increase your lower back flexibility to release tension.

At Excel Sports and Physical Therapy, we can help women alleviate their lower back pain during pregnancy with personalized treatments such as targeted exercises, postural assessment and soft tissue mobilization.

Call us or request an appointment today to reduce lower back pain during the early stages of pregnancy.