
Can I Get Physical Therapy for a Torn Meniscus?
5 considerations for your triathlon training program

Signing up for a triathlon is a great way to challenge yourself to become a better athlete. You’ll need to build up your strength and train for cycling, swimming and running. Having the right training plan in place is about more than beating your goal time on race day, although

5 exercises to try if you’re managing pain in your tailbone

Tailbone pain is often caused by sitting in one position for too long or making repetitive movements. It can have other causes too, like an injury or a medical condition. Some people experience tailbone pain during pregnancy or when they start developing arthritis. In most cases, stretching out the surrounding

6 common injuries in hockey that can be prevented

Hockey is notorious for being a high-impact sport. Gliding across the ice on skates, players can reach high speeds very quickly. The maneuvers it takes to come to a stop are enough to pull a muscle, and hitting the boards or other players can result in traumatic injuries.  As physical

Is Chronic Pain a Disability
Why do I have tailbone pain when I get up and sit down?

Our bodies need both healthy movement and rest to stay in good condition. The tailbone can be vulnerable to irritation because it makes contact with surfaces when we sit down. Oftentimes, tailbone pain is a result of an injury, either from a fall or from overuse, and stiffness from a

Sciatic Nerve Pain Pregnancy
How to deal with tailbone pain during pregnancy

Carrying a child for nine months causes all kinds of changes in the human body, and the experience is a bit different for everyone. Some people experience nausea, morning sickness, and changes in their tolerance of specific foods. Most people can expect to feel some aches and pains in their

Physical Therapy for Neck Pain and Headaches
8 signs it’s time to take that stiff neck seriously

You may have heard that neck stiffness can be a sign of a serious condition — but how do you know when to seek out an evaluation? When neck stiffness is serious, it’s usually accompanied by other symptoms.  In this blog post, we’ll talk about eight signs your neck stiffness

Neck Cracking | Neck Pain | Continuum Wellness
5 strategies for relieving stiff neck discomfort and headaches

Anytime you’re feeling tension and stiffness in your neck, a headache might not be far behind. The nerves in your head and neck are all connected, so it happens often. A headache that starts with problems in the neck, such as arthritis or a herniated disc, is called a cervicogenic

Vestibular Rehab St. Louis, Creve Coeur, Ellisville, Saint Peters, Saint Charles & O’Fallon, MO
What factors can affect how long an episode of vertigo may last?

Feeling disoriented and dizzy can be scary, but it often wears off after a few seconds for many people. However, if people have a disorder, injury or infection that affects their inner ear, they might have a recurring spinning sensation, similar to dizziness, known as vertigo. Vertigo is a type

posture to avoid neck pain
5 tips for getting better sleep with a stiff neck

If you’ve ever woken up with neck pain and stiffness from sleeping, you know it can ruin the rest of your day. It’s hard to imagine how sleeping can cause so much tension to build up in just one night or even a few hours of sleep. It’s understandable that

Headache Relief
Vertigo treatment: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) maneuvering

Vertigo essentially refers to feeling like you, or your surroundings, are spinning. It’s often described as dizziness, but it’s a specific type of dizziness that can also cause nausea and difficulty walking. While vertigo itself isn’t a medical condition, there’s a type of inner ear disorder that has vertigo as

3 physical therapist-approved exercises you should try for your vertigo

Vertigo isn’t a medical condition, but rather a sensation that’s often a symptom of inner ear disorders, infections or brain injuries. It refers to feeling like you’re spinning, or like your surroundings are spinning. If this sensation isn’t addressed, it can have an impact on your overall quality of life.