

Injuries, car accidents, and contact sports can all produce concussions or other head trauma that has frightening implications and risks for those who experience them. When you or a loved one has sustained a concussion, lost consciousness after a head injury, or experienced noticeable changes to vision or balance, it’s

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Chronic Pain

Our physical therapists are experts in helping treat and reduce chronic pain from a variety of orthopedic and musculoskeletal causes. Whether you’ve been in pain for a few months or several years, we’ll work to understand your concerns, symptoms, and how best to take care of you in the long

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a specific condition that arises when a nerve in a person’s wrist becomes compressed. Within the wrist is a narrow opening called the carpal tunnel. It’s surrounded by bones and ligaments and protects a nerve that runs down from the forearm into the hand called

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Balance/Gait Disorders

Your balance and gait are your ability to stand upright without losing balance as well as the pattern and rhythm with which your limbs move while you walk. For many people, balance and gait come naturally, but if you’re suffering from a neurological or musculoskeletal injury, you may find yourself

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Back Pain

Did you know that about 65 million adults have reported experiencing an episode of back pain, and 16 million of those same adults have reported symptoms of chronic back pain? If you’re experiencing upper back pain, lower back pain, or mid back pain that lasts longer than 3 months, you

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Arthritis pain affects more than 3 million adults in America each year, but it’s not a condition that you have to live with. Even if you aren’t interested in taking medication every day or undergoing some kind of invasive procedure, there are options to reduce your arthritis pain and improve

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